Bones Blog: Halloween, Metaverse & Massive Prizes

Bones Club
4 min readOct 5, 2021


It’s spooky season, Boneheads.

Welcome to our first Bones Blog covering announcements and highlights from the past week. If you missed our weekly Twitter Spaces, you’ll find a recap of the conversation here too.

If you’re not familiar with Bones Club, visit our website or join Discord to learn more about the NFT experience we are cultivating as an emerging brand.

Bones Club partnership with The Nemesis

What a week it has been. We announced our partnership with The Nemesis, a metaverse developed by Undo Studios.

If you’re not familiar with The Nemesis, you’re in for a treat. They’re an up and coming platform with land, play to earn tokens, and NFT integrated gaming experiences coming soon. We’re excited to pilot this experience and explore the depth of what we can build in the gaming sphere.

The Nemesis are currently minting their own companions on OpenSea. You can pick one up to test the seamless integration, and they’re playable in game too.

We’re creating a new experience specifically for Bones Club holders with the development of our own custom Graveyard lobby, mini-games, custom avatars, and events. We’ll share previews of our progress over the next few weeks.

Our lobby will be ready just in time for Halloween.

Pictured: A still from within The Nemesis

Halloween event and 4 Eth in prizes

We’re using our upcoming metaverse space to host a special Halloween event, complete with DJ set, prizes, and more. The time of the event and special guests will be announced soon.

We’re also introducing a tiered reward raffle system for anyone who mints a Bones from our new collection before 31 October.

  • If you mint 10 or more new Bones (not including secondary sales), hold them, and don’t list them, you’ll go in to the running to win 2 Eth. That’s over $6,700 USD for those playing at home.
  • If you mint 5 or more Bones (secondary sales included), hold them, and don’t list them, you’ll go in to the running to win 1 Eth. There will be 2 winners for this tier.

That’s a total of 4 Eth in prizes (over $13,500 USD), with winners to be announced at our Halloween event.

More details on the event are coming soon, including prizes for attendance. You must own a Bones from the new collection to participate in the full experience.

Companions coming soon

Our Artist Clutch has been busy working on companions for Bones holders. That’s all we’re allowed reveal at this time, but yes, that means more free NFTs for holders.

Skull Gang giveaway

We also teamed up with a bunch of our skull friends to host a massive giveaway to kick off the spooky season. The winner will walk away with 7 NFTs! Hit that RT and don’t forget to enter.

It’s currently running until Friday 8 October 4pm PT.

Community Wallet and Airdrop

Once we hit 3k minted (2,850 minted at time of writing) we’re airdropping 5 Bones Club NFTs to 5 random holders, as well as adding 5 Eth to our community wallet.

The intention for our community wallet is to allow the club to vote on use, however we’re introducing a system which gives the club the chance to expedite the rewards process.

First, we’ll be voting as a club on which NFTs to buy with the 5 Eth. Then each month, member’s will vote on whether we hodl, sell and reinvest into more NFTs, or sell and gift the profit back to member’s.

We’re excited to see where this goes.

Bones Club Sunday Sesh Twitter Spaces

Most of the announcements we’ve covered were made at our weekly Bones Club Sunday Sesh Twitter Spaces. If you’re not familiar, we‘re hosting an interactive Spaces each week where we chat with different guests and give our club some early insights into things we’re developing.

Last week, we spoke with Honorary Member Brandon Saller (singer from Atreyu) and Rich (NoKapRich) — NFT enthusiast and our newest Honorary Member.

Rich shared some insights on what he looks for when buying NFTs, advice on setting yourself limits, and how sometimes, it just comes down to luck.

We also had a laugh with Brandon about some of the things Atreyu do for fun on their regular Twitch streams — such as building lego and sharing tour stories.

This Sunday we’re chatting with M Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold and Professional Wakeboarder Steel Lafferty. We’ll confirm the time on Twitter this week. It won’t be one to miss.

If you like the sound of what we’ve got cooking and you haven’t joined the club, pick up a Bones for 0.05 Eth at You’ll need one to be part of all the games, events, prizes and fun.

— Rens

Referenced Links:

The Nemesis:
The Nemesis Companions:
Skull giveaway:
Weekly Spaces:
Honorary Members:

Bones Club Official Links:

OpenSea: (Heritage collection) (New collection on secondary market)



Bones Club

Join for the art, stay for the community. Your NFT will provide member’s only access to games, events, metaverse, and prizes.